Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Topic 9 Task 2

My attitude rapidly changes, it never really stays the same. At times I am really mean and get mad over anything. Other times I can be sweet and be positive about everything. Only certain things make me have a bad attitude. My mom says I have always had a bad one which I dont agree with her. Another time I have a really bad attitude is when im not feeling well. This makes me want to scream at everyone around me.

At the daycare I at all times have a good attitude. This is because I know they are doing me a favor by letting me do my internship there. Another reason would be because I know it is not a good thing to have a bad attitude around the children. This could cause them to also have a bad attitude which is not a good thing.

One of the people who have influenced my attitude alot would have to be me mom. Me and her are almost just alike and I think that is why I am the way I am. Everytime I have a bad attitude I tend to act just like her. Other people also effect my attitude by making me mad. This just changes my whole mood and makes my attitude worse.

Topic 9 Task 1

I read it...


Eevrytime I go to the daycare it is mainly the same thing. We take care of the kids and keep them safe. I still am enjoying watching the baby's grow up. When they are little they change alot. It so cool have each of the baby's are unique, and have their different ways of doing things. Such as little Elliot, when I first started there she could not sit up by herself. Now she can and even can play while she is doing it. I also have realized how much I really do love kids. They always tend to keep me in a calm mood.

Monday, April 26, 2010



1) A way I can manage time is by not wasting no time.

2) If I bacame overwhelmed with obligation I would probably be in a bad mood all the time.


I wake up at 8:30
Shower 8:35
Do my hair 9:00
Makeup 9:15
Eat 9:25
Get clothes on 9:35
Do the rest 9:40
Leave home at 9:50
At school at 10:00

There is nothing I really can do to speed my time up. I run late most days.




Knowing how to take care of kids really helped me at the daycare. This way I didn't interrupt the other staff that much by not knowing what to do. I have learned that watching a lot of kids at times really can be a lot of work, due to the kids have a lot of necessities. You at all times have to get along with all the staff. If you don’t it causes a lot of Commotion and could affect the kids.

Something I really liked was that you get to bond with the babies. The only thing I didn’t like was the procedures you have to follow at the daycare when you take care of them. This coming up week I am looking forward to seeing the baby’s and how much they have changed. I hope to one day do something like this. By owning or being employed at a daycare.


The day went by really quick. I also got to watch the older kids while they take their nap. Alot of them would have a hard time sleeping. It reminds me of myself how I never would take naps either. I now am really good friends when one of the employee's which its always is a good thing to meet new people. We got a new baby who is only 2 months old. She sleeps alot, but is really grouchy when she is awake.

Weekly Reflection 4/14/10

Being stuck in a room for along time sometimes gets aggravating. Especially when I do not feel good. I ended up leaving early, because I really was feeling bad. This helped me see how it would be having to put up with a kid while you are not feeling well. I also realized if it was my actually my job I would not be able to do things like leave early.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Topic 12

Is in my documents..!!!


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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Topic 3 Task 2


-Put all attention on teacher
-Write quickly
-Write ? next to things you write that you are not sure what they mean
-Write abbriviated words
-Cheak other students notes to make sure you didnt leave anything out


-Not getting confused
-Completing every task
-Find a good work place to do tasks
-Break tasks up in parts
-Reward myself when I get done with a task

Topic 3 Task 1

One I chose was GET TO CLASS ON TIME. I tend to have a problem with this due to the fact I dont like being rushed. I go at my own speed and get things done as I please. I know things shouldn't be like that, but im so use to it. The other one I chose was FINISH. I always like to start things, but I never like finishing things. After doing one thing for a while it gets tiring so I stop doing it. Doing this never lets me get anything so done and its something I really need to improve on.

Topic 2 Task 3


My first impression of the place was that it looked very professional. It seemed like a really good place that you could trust with your children. When I first started I really was nervous. I didn't know how i would be having to watch other peoples kid. My advisor really helped me by telling me just to relax and dont be afraid that something is going to go wrong.

I learned that working with kids really takes patience. You also have to have really good nerves to do this job. It also is a job that you really can enjoy. You get to play with kids and help them do things you once had to learn to do also. Its really exciting to see when they learn something new. The only thing I think I dont like is that you tend to be really tired at the end of the day. This week I am really looking forward to seeing the baby's and find out the new things they have done.

Topic 2 Task 2

-Graduated from college
-Happily married
-Owning my own house
-Having a great job
-With Children
-Owning my own car
-Helping my family
-Helping in my community
-Pursuing my career

-Finishing high school
-Passing the graduation test
-Applying for college
-Talking to my teachers about what I want to major in
-Finishing my classes
-Staying on task
-Coming to school
-Look in to scholarships
-Make sure im sure about what I want to major in
-Waiting to have kids and getting married


4)Title: MY LIFE IN 10 YEARS

Topic 2 Task 1



Being around kids constantly tends to give me a serious headache. This time we took the baby's outside to play on the playground. They like me did not like the sun so we had alot of them crying. I think they dont like it cause they are so yound they havent experienced the summer yet. The hotness tends to make all of them really cranky. I also went over proceedures in case of a fire, burglary, tornado, etc. One thing I figured out about baby's is that they are on like a time schedule. If you are around a child for a while you start to learn the routine they go through everyday. Another thing I learned from my supervisor is that it is really stressful owning a daycare buisness.