Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Topic 9 Task 2

My attitude rapidly changes, it never really stays the same. At times I am really mean and get mad over anything. Other times I can be sweet and be positive about everything. Only certain things make me have a bad attitude. My mom says I have always had a bad one which I dont agree with her. Another time I have a really bad attitude is when im not feeling well. This makes me want to scream at everyone around me.

At the daycare I at all times have a good attitude. This is because I know they are doing me a favor by letting me do my internship there. Another reason would be because I know it is not a good thing to have a bad attitude around the children. This could cause them to also have a bad attitude which is not a good thing.

One of the people who have influenced my attitude alot would have to be me mom. Me and her are almost just alike and I think that is why I am the way I am. Everytime I have a bad attitude I tend to act just like her. Other people also effect my attitude by making me mad. This just changes my whole mood and makes my attitude worse.

Topic 9 Task 1

I read it...


Eevrytime I go to the daycare it is mainly the same thing. We take care of the kids and keep them safe. I still am enjoying watching the baby's grow up. When they are little they change alot. It so cool have each of the baby's are unique, and have their different ways of doing things. Such as little Elliot, when I first started there she could not sit up by herself. Now she can and even can play while she is doing it. I also have realized how much I really do love kids. They always tend to keep me in a calm mood.

Monday, April 26, 2010



1) A way I can manage time is by not wasting no time.

2) If I bacame overwhelmed with obligation I would probably be in a bad mood all the time.


I wake up at 8:30
Shower 8:35
Do my hair 9:00
Makeup 9:15
Eat 9:25
Get clothes on 9:35
Do the rest 9:40
Leave home at 9:50
At school at 10:00

There is nothing I really can do to speed my time up. I run late most days.




Knowing how to take care of kids really helped me at the daycare. This way I didn't interrupt the other staff that much by not knowing what to do. I have learned that watching a lot of kids at times really can be a lot of work, due to the kids have a lot of necessities. You at all times have to get along with all the staff. If you don’t it causes a lot of Commotion and could affect the kids.

Something I really liked was that you get to bond with the babies. The only thing I didn’t like was the procedures you have to follow at the daycare when you take care of them. This coming up week I am looking forward to seeing the baby’s and how much they have changed. I hope to one day do something like this. By owning or being employed at a daycare.